by Vasp S.A.



The myVASP app allows the points of sale of publications to save time in managing their business and check leftovers, quickly, conveniently and effectively, via their Android smartphone.With a modern, intuitive and dynamic image, this free application will bring greater simplicity and efficiency to the daily tasks of the points of sale.This first version focuses on three main features: filling in leftover guides; viewing the delivery notes and consulting the details of each publication.From now on, the points of sale of publications will have the leftover guides in the palm of the hand, with the details of the publications to be returned - cover image, EAN validation and shipping guide. They can use the scanner on their smartphones camera to read the barcode of each publication. They’ll be able to add posts from previous days to their tabs. They will be able to create GIM’s, conveniently, on their mobile phones and receive them in their email or in their netVASP area, so that they can then print and place them in their respective packs.Another great advantage of this application is that it works in offline mode. If the agent is in a location without internet, for example, he can start filling out his guides, without any problem. MyVASP records all the information entered and then when you have network / internet again, just confirm that everything is correct and complete the process.